If you've thought about building your own website from scratch, then you've probably thought about the decision posed above: which website builder is best for me?
If you've taken a look at each platform and saving money is your number 1 priority then you probably think Wordpress is the best. If cool designs are your priority then you're probably about to choose WebFlow. If ease of building is your priority you might be looking at SquareSpace.
This is reasonable. Based on each platforms advertising it is reasonable to believe that Wordpress is the cheapest, WebFlow is the sexiest and SquareSpace is the easiest, but you'd be in for a surprise.
So what about Wix? Wix doesn't seem very cheap... It has an artificial intelligence program that can build websites for you, but it doesn't seems that easy... Wix uses templates that loook great, but it seems a little generic... These are the main reasons people will choose Wordpress, SquareSpace or Webflow over Wix, but those reasons are wrong.
Wix is cheaper than Wordpress
Ok don't troll me until you've read this paragraph. Wordpress looks cheaper and sure, if all you want is a home page and a contact form from 2-3 site visits per month - then yes Wordpress is the cheapest. But if you want to sell products online then you need to pay for plugins. If you want SEO, pay for plugins. If you want a speedy site, pay for better hosting. If you want fancy videos, galleries and graphics pay for plugins... By the time you've paid for all the plugins you need and the hosting that suits your business size, Wordpress is no longer cheap.
Wix has a once off fee, but after that everything is included. Need an onine store, no problem its included. Need a blog, included. Need unlimited bandwidth, included. Live Streaming, Videos, Galleries, Templates, Virtual Events, Ticketing systems, email campaigns and more - all included in the standard wix fee. All of a sudden, Wix is cheaper than Wordpress.
Wix is sexier than WebFlow
Using Editor X, there is nothing Wix can't do. Wix may have templates on offer but yoou can create, edit and customise a Wix site so that it looks however you want. Whether you're a beginner designer or seasoned developer, Wix will allow you to make a great looking and original site in a matter of hours.
Wix is easier than SquareSpace
Learning to build a website is not very difficult in 2021. All you need is a few hours and some YouTube videos. After that, it is like learning to play the piano - practice makes perfect. All of the platforms out there that offer rapid development solutions are easy to use and if you are just starting out, then they will all have a small learning curve. The thing that makes Wix easier in the long run is that Wix can do everything and so you are not going to need to learn new technologies oneday when you outgrow a simple platform like SquareSpace. Wix has got such a large range of built in features that once you understand the Wix way of working you can unleash massive potential for your online business.
Things Wix has that other platforms don't
24 hour telephone support. If you have a problem, send them a message and they'll phone you within 3 minutes - day or night.
Wix Partners that will build your site for you or help you with custom technical challenges or even marketing.
Free social Media Videos - yeah you heard it right. Wix has a magic video maker that can make social media videos for your instagram and facebook.
Free Logo Maker - you can let Wix design you an incredible logo for your business and then you can download that logo in every possible file type to use for your business in every possible situation.
World Class Internet Security and Privacy
Why not get on a call with us and we can take you through the options and help you find the perfect tool for your business.